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Congratulations (or commiserations) on finding my website and I hope you bumble along quite nicely with it.
It will help you learn a bit about all the weird stuff I do and it will also help you contact me if you want to work with me, or if you want to say you like my work, or if my work offends you, or my face offends you, or makes you feel funny inside. I trained as an actoress but I also write stuff, draw stuff and have a Master’s degree in Children’s Literature. I'm tall, curvy and have tattoos and I mostly do my acting with my voice so that I can eat cake at will and not be told to inject weird shit into my face. I'm still up for doing stuff where you can see that face, it's just got to be worth waxing my upper lip for. I am all about dark comedy, satire, intersectional feminism and equality. That’s where my life has landed me. If you wish to find out more, peruse away!